As I have done for the past 17 years, I will again be co-chairing and speaking at the 18th Annual Consumer Financial Services Institute, sponsored by the Practising Law Institute. The event will take place on April 8-9, in New York City (and by live webcast and groupcast in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Mechanicsville, Pennsylvania), and on May 2-3, in Chicago.

I am delighted that Ballard Spahr will have an opportunity to weigh in on the industry’s hottest topics at the seminar. My partner Christopher J. Willis will be speaking on the fair lending panel in New York on April 8, and Martin C. Bryce, Jr., will participate in the mortgage litigation panel in Chicago on May 2.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s numerous regulatory, supervisory, and enforcement activities will be in the spotlight in both cities. The Institute will begin in each city with an entire morning devoted to CFPB developments. Meredith Fuchs, General Counsel of the CFPB, will present the keynote address, and four other CFPB attorneys will participate in panels. Chris will also join a senior CFPB enforcement attorney to speak on the “CFPB Enforcement Update” panel in New York City.

As in the past, this year’s Institute will also cover significant developments in class action and other consumer financial services litigation. Among other topics, we will discuss the continuing implications of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion and the pending case, American Express v. Italian Colors, for consumer arbitration agreements. We will also provide updates on the latest class actions and state attorneys general lawsuits against financial services companies.

For the complete description of the event and to register, visit PLI’s 18th Annual Consumer Financial Services Institute page.