The CFPB has issued a “Policy for Consultation with Tribal Governments.” The policy sets forth the principles that will guide such consultation, including the CFPB’s commitment “to regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials…on CFPB policies that would be expressly directed to tribal governments or tribal members or that would have direct implications for Indian tribes.”
The policy describes the methods the CFPB plans to use to consult with tribal governments. For policies and programs that “deal exclusively with highly complex or sophisticated matters affecting a small number of well-known constituent groups,” the CFPB would specifically request comment from tribal governments and tribal members by soliciting comments through Federal Register notices. The CFPB also plans to establish a dedicated e-mail address for Indian tribes to use to contact the CFPB and to engage in “meetings, conference calls, and other forms of communication and outreach.”
In February 2013, the CFPB announced a partnership with the Navajo Nation which it described as intended to support “[the Bureau’s] work to prevent harmful practices that target Native American consumers.” The partnership was documented by a Memorandum of Understanding between the CFPB and the Navajo Nation Department of Justice dealing with information sharing.