The CFPB has announced that its Consumer Advisory Board will meet on October 22, 2015 in Washington, D.C.  The meeting, at which Director Cordray is scheduled to give opening remarks, will include a discussion of arbitration, trends and themes in the marketplace, and reaching limited English speaking consumers.

According to the meeting agenda, the arbitration discussion will be led by Will Wade-Gery, CFPB Assistant Director, Card & Payments Markets, and Eric Goldberg, CFPB Senior Counsel, Regulations.  Presumably, the discussion will focus on the CFPB’s proposal announced last week to issue rules that would prohibit consumer financial services companies from using class action waivers in consumer arbitration clauses.  (Last month, the CFPB announced new appointments to the Consumer Advisory Board.)

The meeting is open to the public, but an RSVP is required to attend.