Today’s podcast features James Kohm, the Associate Director for the Enforcement Division of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. We discuss the FTC’s “Click-to-Cancel” Rule (consisting of significant amendments to the longstanding “Negative Option Rule”) which was promulgated by the FTC on October 16, 2024 by a vote of 3-2 along party lines.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: Post-Election Insights: Impacts on the Banking and Consumer Financial Services Industry
Today’s podcast episode is a re-purposing of a webinar we recorded on November 12, 2024. Our special guests for that webinar were Colin Carr, Vice-President of Congressional affairs at the Consumer Bankers Association and Ian Katz, Managing Director at Capital Alpha Partners. John Culhane, a partner in the Consumer Financial Services Group at our firm, also spoke at the webinar.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: An Empirical Study of Boilerplate in Consumer Contracts
On January 4 of this year, we released a podcast show entitled; “A look at a new approach to consumer contracts.” Our special guest at that time was Professor Andrea Boyack, a Professor at the University of Missouri School of Law. That podcast was based on a then recent law review article published by Professor Boyack entitled “The Shape of Consumer Contracts,” 101 Denv L.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: Should Congress Create a New Federal Charter for Non-Bank Payments Companies?
In this podcast show, we explore with our repeat guest, Professor Dan Awrey of Cornell University Law School, his working paper “Money and Federalism” in which he advocates for the enactment of Federal legislation creating a Federal charter for non-banks engaged in the payments business, like PayPal and Venmo. The article may be accessed online at SSRN and will likely be published in a law review at some time in the future.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: CFPB’s Proposed Mortgage Servicing Rule Amendments: Understanding the Impact on Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure, and Language Access
This summer, the CFPB issued its long-awaited proposed rule amending the mortgage servicing rules under Regulation X, with a focus on loss mitigation procedures, foreclosure protections, and language access. These changes were previewed by the CFPB as a means to streamline, and add flexibility to, the loss mitigation process, in light of the industry’s successful efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: State fair access and debanking laws bring country’s political and cultural divisions to the fore
Our podcast listeners are very familiar with federal fair lending and anti-discrimination laws that apply in the consumer lending area: the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA). Those statutes prohibit discriminating against certain protected classes of consumer credit applicants. For example, the ECOA makes it unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract); the applicant’s use of a public assistance program to receive all or part of their income; or the applicant’s previous good-faith exercise of any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: How the CFPB Is Using Interpretive Rules to Expand Regulatory Requirements for Innovative Consumer Financial Products; Part Two: Earned Wage Access
Today’s podcast, which repurposes a recent webinar, is the conclusion of a two-part examination of the CFPB’s use of a proposed interpretive rule, rather than a legislative rule, to expand regulatory requirements for earned wage access (EWA) products. Part One, which was released last week, focused on the CFPB’s use of an interpretive rule to expand regulatory requirements for buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) products.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: How the CFPB Is Using Interpretive Rules to Expand Regulatory Requirements for Innovative Consumer Financial Products; Part One: Buy-Now, Pay-Later
Today’s podcast, which repurposes a recent webinar, is the first in a two-part examination of the CFPB’s use of an interpretive rule, rather than a legislative rule, to expand regulatory requirements for buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) products. Part Two, which will be available next week, will focus on the CFPB’s use of a proposed interpretive rule to expand regulatory requirements for earned wage access (EWA) products.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: The Regulation of Negative Option Consumer Contracts – Silence as Consent
Our podcast today focuses on negative option consumer contracts, i.e., agreements that allow a seller to assume a customer’s silence is an acceptance of an offer. Such contracts are ubiquitous in today’s marketplace.
Today’s guests are Kaitlin Caruso, a professor at the University of Maine Law School, and Prentiss Cox, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School.… Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: Have State-Chartered, FDIC-Insured Banks Finally Achieved Interstate Usury Parity with National Banks?
In today’s podcast, which repurposes a recent webinar, we examine the impact, if any, of a landmark opinion rendered by Judge Daniel Domenico of the Federal District Court for the District of Colorado in a case challenging recently enacted Colorado legislation on interstate loans made from outside Colorado to Colorado residents.… Continue Reading