On January 10, the CFPB published a report containing the results of its assessment of the Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule (“ATR/QM Rule”) issued in 2013. The assessment was conducted pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act, which requires the Bureau to review each significant rule it issues and evaluate whether the rule is effective in achieving its intended objectives, and the purposes and objectives of Title X of the Dodd-Frank Act, or whether it is having unintended consequences.… Continue Reading

On October 22 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., the FDIC’s Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection will host a teleconference as part of its periodic series of events for bankers on important banking regulatory issues in the compliance and consumer protection area.  According to the announcement, the upcoming teleconference will focus on common questions and answers regarding the implementation of the Ability-to-Repay/Qualified Mortgage and the Loan Originator Compensation Final Rules.… Continue Reading

The CPFB recently issued another update to the Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule, to reflect changes from the October 2013 Final Rule.  The updated guide clarifies several aspects of the QM points and fees calculation, per the October 2013 Final Rule.  A new provision is included, which emphasizes that while a charge paid by a third party, and not by the consumer, might not be included in the finance charge element of points and fees (i.e.,… Continue Reading

On June 4, eight industry groups sent a letter addressed to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan and CFPB Director Richard Cordray requesting much needed written guidance from HUD and the CFPB that makes clear that compliance with the CFPB’s ability-to repay/qualified mortgage (QM) final rule will not expose lenders to disparate impact liability under the Fair Housing Act (FHA) or the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).… Continue Reading