E-commerce and electronic contracting are more important than ever as we move into the post-COVID 19 era. We first review legal requirements for electronic contracting and disclosures including the E-SIGN Act, state Uniform Electronic Transactions Acts, FTC guidance on delivery of disclosures and comments on use of “dark patterns,” and DOJ comments on website accessibility. … Continue Reading
CFPB to host forum on eClosing
By Marc Patterson on
Posted in CFPB General, Regulatory and Enforcement
On Wednesday, August 5 at 1p.m. EDT, the CFPB will be hosting a forum on the “Know Before You Owe Initiative” on eClosing. The forum will feature remarks from Director Richard Cordray, and include a panel discussion with consumer groups, industry representatives, and members of the public.
The event is open to the public and requires an RSVP.… Continue Reading