The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Financial Services has scheduled a hearing for tomorrow entitled “The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s Unconstitutional Design.” The memo from the Committee’s Majority Staff to Committee Members states that “the [h]earing will examine whether the structure of the Bureau violates the Constitution as well as structural changes to the Bureau to resolve any constitutional infirmities.”… Continue Reading
oversight and investigations
House members keep fiscal heat on Director Cordray
By Barbara S. Mishkin on
Posted in CFPB General, Regulatory and Enforcement
Three members of the House Committee on Financial Services have sent a letter dated May 2, 2012 to Director Cordray to express their dissatisfaction with Mr. Cordray’s March 26 response to their February 22 written request for budget information. That information was sought as a follow up to Director Cordray’s testimony to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on February 15, 2012.… Continue Reading