We are joined by Bret Ladine, the DFPI’s General Counsel. We discuss the DFPI’s plans for adding new staff, promoting innovation through the new Financial Technology Innovation Office, providing guidance on CFPL exemptions, and handling complaints. Other topics include the DFPI’s approach to its new authority regarding UDAAPs (which covers small business financing), registration of covered persons, and civil penalties.… Continue Reading
Expansive scope of California’s new consumer protection regime highlighted in Ballard Spahr webinar
By Barbara S. Mishkin on
Posted in CADFPI, Regulatory and Enforcement
This past Friday, California Governor Newsom signed into law three bills that will significantly impact consumer financial service providers in the state. One of those bills is AB-1864 which contains the California Consumer Financial Protection Law (CCFPL). In addition to giving a new name to the state’s Department of Business Oversight which is renamed the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI), AB-1864 gives the renamed agency broad jurisdiction and sweeping new authorities that closely resemble those of the CFPB, leading many to label the renamed agency a “mini-CFPB.” … Continue Reading