On December 22, 2021, New York State Senate Bill 2767A was signed into law. The Bill establishes the Private Student Loan Refinancing Task Force (the “Task Force”), which was charged with “study[ing] and analyz[ing] ways lending institutions that offer non-federal student loans to students of New York institutions of higher education can be incentivized and encouraged to create student loan refinance programs.”… Continue Reading

The CFPB has created a student loan infographic to highlight the state of student loans in the pandemic.  Among the statistics included in the infographic is that, based on Department of Education data current as of September 2020, 87% of federal student loan borrowers had their federal student loans in administrative forbearance.… Continue Reading

It appears that the final chapter of the ITT Educational Services, Inc. (“ITT”) story was written last week with the CFPB’s announcement that it entered into a stipulated settlement with PEAKS Trust 2009-1 (“PEAKS”), a special purpose entity created in 2009 to purchase, own, and manage certain private student loans with students enrolled at ITT.… Continue Reading

The Department of Education has announced the new federal student loan interest rates for 2019-2020.  For the first time in three years, interest rates on federal student loans will decrease.  Rates for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans (for undergraduate students) will fall to 4.53 percent, down from 5.05 percent for the 2018-2019 academic year.  … Continue Reading

After reanalyzing certain sample loan level data, the CFPB announced that it is not making any changes to the key findings and recommendations in its July report to Congress on private student loans.  The CFPB had posted a “research note” on its website to accompany the report disclosing that it had been informed by the lenders who provided the sample lender loan level data that the manner in which it had analyzed certain data could produce incomplete results. … Continue Reading

The CFPB issued today its report to Congress on private student loans as mandated by Dodd-Frank, which the CFPB describes as the “Cycle of boom and bust in private student loan market.”  Issued jointly with the Department of Education, the report consists of five parts dealing with (1) lenders, loan markets and products, (2) borrower characteristics and behaviors,
(3) consumer protection, (4) fair lending issues, and (5) recommendations from the CFPB and DOE. … Continue Reading

In a notice published in today’s Federal Register, the CFPB is seeking public comment on a series of questions about private student loans.  According to Rick Hackett, the CFPB’s Assistant Director for Installment Lending Markets, the CFPB wants to hear from “students, families, school counselors, lenders, servicers, and anyone who has anything to do with private student loans” because “hearing [their] stories will help [the CFPB] understand how people make decisions.” … Continue Reading