We previously wrote about an Illinois federal district court order requiring Samsung to pay about $4 million in arbitration fees in connection with 35,000 individual arbitration demands filed as part of a “mass arbitration” and the Seventh Circuit’s subsequent stay of that order after Samsung appealed. The Seventh Circuit has now decided the appeal—in favor of Samsung—an important ruling that may help level a mass arbitration playing field that heretofore has been tilted heavily in favor of the consumers.… Continue Reading
Seventh Circuit stays order requiring Samsung to pay millions in arbitration fees
By Mark J. Levin on
Posted in Arbitration, Litigation and Court Decisions
We previously blogged about an Illinois federal district court order requiring Samsung to pay about $4 million in arbitration fees in connection with 35,000 individual arbitration demands filed as part of a “mass arbitration.” By way of update, Samsung is pursuing an appeal to the Seventh Circuit, which recently granted Samsung’s motion for a stay of the district court’s order pending appeal. … Continue Reading