In trying to find a video of the meeting last month of the CFPB’s Consumer Advisory Board, we recently discovered that the CFPB’s website contains a YouTube link where the CFPB posts videos of field hearings and other events. Videos of CFPB officials speaking about various issues can also be found at the link.… Continue Reading
CFPB makes plans to handle its growing body of tweets, Facebook posts and YouTube videos
By Ballard CFS Group on
Posted in CFPB General, Regulatory and Enforcement
As a brand-new federal agency, and one whose mission unquestionably involves interaction with the public, the CFPB has fully embraced communication tools like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The Bureau has been making “friends” with people at a rate that would make even the most industrious teenagers jealous: it has been “liked” over 8,800 times on Facebook and is being followed by almost 7,000 people on Twitter. … Continue Reading