As we previously reported, the CFPB has installed on the home page of its Web site a consumer-friendly portal for submitting complaints against credit card issuers. Credit card issuers gain access to those complaints online and are required to respond within 10 days.
Although I’ve been critical of a few inappropriate questions asked of cardholders, the system itself should work for cardholders who are computer-savvy and are comfortable submitting their complaints online.
But what about those cardholders who don’t use or like computers or who don’t feel comfortable using this system? I’m told that many cardholders continue to submit their complaints the old-fashioned way–by a writing mailed to the federal banking regulator (either the OCC, FDIC, or Fed). When that happens, those regulators send the complaints to the CFPB if they involve a bank subject to the CFPB’s jurisdiction, i.e., one in excess of $10 billion in assets.