The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau opened for business on July 21, 2011. That same day, we launched CFPB Monitor. This first anniversary is a perfect time to assess the enormous impact the CFPB has had on the world of consumer financial services—and to examine what lies ahead. Click below to hear from three of our blog contributors: Chris Willis, John Socknat and myself. I also want to take this occasion to thank Barbara Mishkin who is the engine behind our blog and ensures that we are constantly on top of anything and everything of importance pertaining to the CFPB.

 Alan S. Kaplinsky, practice leader at Ballard Spahr LLP, on CFPB supervision

John D. Socknat, Mortgage Banking practice leader at Ballard Spahr LLP, on CFPB regulation

Christopher J. Willis, Fair Lending Task Force leader at Ballard Spahr LLP, on CFPB enforcement