The House Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has scheduled a hearing for April 2, 2014 entitled “Allegations of Discrimination and Retaliation within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”  The hearing follows the American Banker’s recent article revealing that CFPB staff evaluations showed a pattern of racial disparities.  

According to the Committee memorandum, Committee staff received corroborating information from a CFPB employee who alleged she experienced gender discrimination and retaliation for filing an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint with the CFPB’s Human Capital Office. The memo indicates that the employee’s claims of retaliation were confirmed by an outside investigator retained by the CFPB.  Both the employee and the investigator are scheduled to testify at the hearing. 

Other CFPB employees have been invited to testify at the hearing.  If they accept the invitation, the hearing will consist of two panels of witnesses, including the following individuals: 

  • Panel 1
     Angela Martin, Senior Enforcement Attorney, CFPB
     Misty Raucci, former Investigator, Defense Investigators Group
  • Panel 2
    M. Stacey Bach, Assistant Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Employment, CFPB (invited)
    Robert Cauldwell, President, National Treasury Employees Union, Chapter 335 (invited)
    Liza Strong, Director of Employee Relations, CFPB (invited)