The CFPB has published a notice in the Federal Register announcing that it is seeking applications from persons interested in becoming members of its Academic Research Council (ARC). Appointments to the ARC are typically for four years.
The CFPB seeks “tenured academics with a world class research and publishing background, and a record of public or academic service.” Applicants should be “prominent experts who are recognized for their professional achievement and objectivity in economics, statistics, psychology or behavioral science.” In particular, the CFPB is looking for “academics with strong methodological and technical expertise in structural or reduced form econometrics, modeling of consumer decision-making, behavioral economics, experimental economics, program evaluation, psychology, and financial choice.”
The CFPB states that it has a special interest in ensuring that women, minority groups and individuals with disabilities are adequately represented on the ARC. It further states that because it also has a special interest in establishing an ARC that is represented by diverse viewpoints and constituencies, the CFPB encourages applications for ARC membership from candidates who represent U.S. geographic diversity and the interests of special populations identified in Dodd-Frank such as servicemembers and older Americans.
Applicants for the ARC positions must submit a complete application package on or before February 14, 2017 to be considered for membership. (The application will be available online on January 16, 2017.) The CFPB expects to announce new ARC members in April 2017.