The CFPB announced that the following individuals are joining its senior leadership team:

  • Leandra English is returning to the CFPB to serve as the Chief of Staff.  Ms. English previously served in several senior CFPB leadership roles, including deputy chief operating officer, acting chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, and deputy associate director of external affairs.  Most recently, Ms. English served as the principal deputy chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management.
  • Jerry Horton will serve as the CFPB’s Chief Information Officer.  Before joining the CFPB, Mr. Horton worked at the Department of State where he started and led the Office of the Chief Architect for State’s global information presence.  He also previously served as the chief information officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development and at the U.S. Mint in the Department of the Treasury.
  • Paul Kantwill will serve as the CFPB’s Assistant Director for Servicemember Affairs.  Prior to joining the CFPB, Mr. Kantwill served as the director of the Pentagon’s Office of Legal Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel & Readiness.  In that position, Mr. Kantwill was the Department of Defense’s legal policy expert on the financial industry and the effects of financial products and services on military members and their families.
  • John McNamara will serve as the CFPB’s Assistant Director of Consumer Lending, Reporting, and Collections Markets.  Mr. McNamara previously served in the same capacity in an acting role, and before that was the CFPB’s debt collection program manager.
  • Elizabeth Reilly will serve as the CFPB’s Chief Financial Officer.  Ms. Reilly previously served as the CFPB’s deputy chief financial officer.