Having announced in April 2018 that it would be holding a symposia series, the CFPB has now set a date for the first symposium of the series.  The first symposium, to be held on June 25, 2019, will focus on the Dodd-Frank Act’s prohibition of abusive acts or practices, specifically the meaning of abusiveness.  It will be webcast on the Bureau’s website.

The Dodd-Frank Act does not authorize state attorneys general to bring claims against national banks or federal savings associations to directly enforce Dodd-Frank’s UDAAP provisions.  However, under Section 1042(a)(2) of Dodd-Frank, a state attorney general can bring claims against national banks or federal savings associations “to enforce a regulation prescribed by the Bureau under a provision of [Title 10].”  Thus, this enforcement authority would presumably be triggered if the Bureau were to adopt a rule regarding what is an “abusive act or practice” under Section 1031 of Dodd-Frank.