The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Financial Services has scheduled a hearing in Houston, Texas for tomorrow entitled “Examining Discrimination and Other Barriers to Consumer Credit, Homeownership, and Financial Inclusion in Texas.” The memo from the Committee’s Majority Staff to Committee Members states that the hearing “will examine access to affordable housing, credit, and banking services in low and moderate-income (“LMI”) neighborhoods.”

The hearing will consist of two panels. The following witnesses will testify:

Panel One

  • Belinda Everette, Director, Housing Initiative, NAACP Houston Branch
  • Judson Robinson III, CEO and Chair, Houston Area Urban League
  • Hua Sun, Professor, University of Iowa
  • John Wong, Founding Chair, Asian Real Estate Association of America
  • Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Chief, Race, Wealth, and Community, National Community Reinvestment Coalition

Panel Two

  • Noel Poyo, Executive Director, National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders
  • Gary Lindner, President and CEO, PeopleFund
  • Jeff Smith, President and CEO, Unity National Bank
  • Raymond Ardoin, President, Board of Directors, Brentwood Baptist Church Federal Credit Union
  • Jeungho “JP” Park, President and Chairman, Relationship BancShares, Inc.

Additional information on the hearing can be found here.