On December 12–13, 2019, the CFPB hosted its fourth research conference on consumer finance.  The goal of the conference, as described by the CFPB, was “to connect the core community of researchers and policymakers with the best research being conducted across a wide range of disciplines and approaches that can inform the topic of consumer finance.”

The two-day conference consisted of six panels of researchers presenting their work in various areas of consumer finance with members of CFPB’s Office of Research serving as discussants.

The panel topics were as follows:

  • Panel 1: Income, Consumption, and Volatility
  • Panel 2: Credit Supply Shocks
  • Panel 3: Flexibility and Expectations
  • Panel 4: Information and Competition
  • Panel 5: Interventions in Debt Repayment
  • Panel 6: Payday Borrowers: Expectations and Demand

The conference agenda lists the titles of the papers presented at each panel and their authors.