For our financial services clients interested in monitoring important federal and state legal developments, Ballard Spahr has launched a comprehensive, national tracking service designed to serve the needs of specific segments of the consumer financial services industry.

Beginning January 2, 2021, Ballard is pleased to offer three new federal and state trackers, which are available as a package or individually, depending on your financial institution’s needs:

  • Collections Tracker – providing expanded coverage of relevant federal and state legislative and regulatory developments impacting consumer collection activities; this will still include our current COVID-19-related coverage, but the tracker will be expanded to include new and evolving federal and state collection legislative and regulatory initiatives.
  • Credit Reporting Tracker – covering applicable federal and state legislative and regulatory developments impacting credit reporting activities and requirements, as well as substantive developments in federal FCRA court decisions to assist in identifying and tracking emerging FCRA litigation trends relating to the CARES Act, specific furnishing activities, end user obligations, and the FCRA more broadly.
  • Privacy and Data Security Tracker – covering relevant federal and state legislative and regulatory developments relating to the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of personal information.

Each week, tracker subscribers will receive a tailored electronic digest updating and highlighting noteworthy federal and state developments for financial institutions.  These weekly digest updates will be supplemented by monthly roundtable calls with subscribers, during which a member of the Ballard team will discuss developments over the past month, provide analysis, identify evolving trends, and answer subscriber questions.  These monthly calls will be specific to each tracker.

Subscribers also will be enrolled in an interactive, searchable, online database that enables subscribers to have 24-hour access to our information and analysis.  Information will be displayed in a variety of formats, including through an interactive map of the United States through our Ballard 360 Client Connect platform, as well as through various search functions that will allow information to be sorted by topic, jurisdiction, date, and for the FCRA tracker, by federal court and counsel for plaintiffs.

In launching these new tracking services, our goal is to provide members of the consumer financial services industry with practical insights and guidance into these critical areas that will keep you apprised of the real-time legal developments you need to know in order to make informed and effective decisions.

Subscribers will have the option to subscribe to any individual tracker for a cost of $2,000/month.  If you would like to subscribe to all three trackers, the total cost will be $5,000/month.  Monthly subscription fees will bill at the beginning of the month and subscribers can cancel any or all of their subscriptions at any time.  Such cancellation will be effective as of the end of the month in which the subscription was cancelled.

A brochure about the new tracking services is available here.  For more information or to subscribe, please contact Stefanie Jackman or Kim Phan.