For the fourth year in a row, CFPB Monitor has made the American Bar Association’s Blawg 100 list, the ABA’s annual list of the best blogs about lawyers and the law. CFPB Monitor continues to be the only blog focused on the CFPB and one of only two blogs focused on consumer financial services in the ABA’s top 100.… Continue Reading
ABA Blawg 100
We made the ABA Top 100 Blawg list… for the third year in a row!
For the third year in a row, CFPB Monitor has made the American Bar Association’s Blawg 100 list, the ABA’s annual list of the best blogs about lawyers and the law. We are honored to have once again received so many recommendations from our readers and thank you for helping CFPB Monitor make the 2014 list.… Continue Reading
We made the ABA Top 100 Blawg list again!
For the second year in a row, CFPB Monitor has made the American Bar Association’s Blawg 100 list, the ABA’s annual list of the best blogs about lawyers and the law. We are honored to have once again received so many recommendations from our readers and thank you for helping CFPB Monitor make the 2013 list.… Continue Reading
Like CFPB Monitor? Let the ABA know.
It’s that time of year when the ABA Journal puts out its suggestion box for its Blawg 100, an annual listing of the 100 best legal blogs. CFPB Monitor was honored to join this lofty list of top blogs of 2012 – and we would be grateful for a repeat in 2013.… Continue Reading
Like our blog? Let the ABA know.
The ABA Journal is collecting suggestions for its Blawg 100, an annual listing of the 100 best legal blogs. After creating our blog just more than a year ago, and publishing nearly 300 posts, we’re hoping to make the list. If you read CFPB Monitor regularly and think the ABA Journal should consider us, let them know by clicking here.… Continue Reading