According to media reports, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra expressed his concerns over the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology in his remarks at an Axios event in Washington, D.C. last week. Director Chopra indicated that AI could concentrate “enormous” power within the grasp of a few companies and their top executives. … Continue Reading
This week’s podcast episode: A look at the growing use of generative artificial intelligence and chatbots in consumer financial services, with special guests Ron Shevlin, Chief Research Officer, Cornerstone Advisors, and Reggie Young, Product Counsel, Lithic
By Barbara S. Mishkin on
Posted in Artificial Intelligence
We first look at what generative AI is and how it differs from other types of AI and technology such as machine learning. We then look at the ways in which banks and fintech companies can deploy AI tools and the business use case for banks and fintechs considering the addition of chatbots, including how chatbots differ from voice response units. … Continue Reading