In a rare development, a California state court of appeals has opined on the requirements for obtaining authorization for background checks pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

In Hebert v. Barnes & Noble, Inc., the plaintiff filed a putative class action against retailer Barnes & Noble, contending it willfully violated the FCRA by providing job applicants with a disclosure that included extraneous language unrelated to the topic of consumer reports. … Continue Reading

The Eleventh Circuit has joined the Second, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Circuits in rejecting administrative feasibility as a prerequisite for class certification. The decision reverses unpublished Eleventh Circuit authority and deepens a circuit split with the First, Third, and Fourth Circuits on the issue.

In Cherry v. Dometic Corporation, 18 owners of gas-absorption refrigerators manufactured and sold by Dometic Corporation sued the company over alleged product defects.… Continue Reading

A bipartisan group of 16 state attorneys general has filed an amicus brief in support of a petition for certiorari asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a Ninth Circuit decision upholding the district court’s approval of a class action cy pres settlement.  The petition was filed by objectors to the settlement.… Continue Reading