The FTC recently issued a paper outlining key takeaways from its December 2017 workshop examining injuries consumers may suffer from privacy and data security incidents.  

The paper indicates that the FTC convened the workshop to better understand consumer injury for the following two purposes:

  • To allow the FTC to effectively weigh the benefits of governmental intervention against its costs when making policy determinations 
  • To identify acts or practices that “cause or are likely to cause substantial injury” for purposes of bringing an enforcement action under the FTC Act for an “unfair” act or practice 

The paper discusses the examples of informational injuries given by participants. Continue Reading

The FTC has announced that it will host a workshop on December 12, 2017 in Washington, D.C. to examine consumer injury in the context of privacy and data security.

In the workshop, the FTC plans to examine questions about the injury consumers suffer when information about them is exposed or misused such as “how to best characterize these injuries, how to accurately measure such injuries and their prevalence, and what factors businesses and consumers consider when evaluating the tradeoffs involved in collecting, using, or providing information while also potentially increasing their exposure to injuries.”… Continue Reading