On September 6, 2019, the Bureau filed a complaint in federal court in the Central District of California against Certified Forensic Loan Auditors, LLC (CFLA) and Andrew Lehman (Lehman) in connection with their offering, advertising, marketing, and selling of purported financial advisory and mortgage assistance relief services, and against Michael Carrigan (Carrigan), who was CFLA’s sole auditor during the relevant time period. … Continue Reading
mortgage relief
Additional guidance from HUD/Freddie/Fannie/Ginnie/VA on mortgage-related disaster relief for hurricane victims
In addition to the guidance regarding Hurricane Harvey disaster relief, the housing agencies and government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) recently addressed the mortgage-related relief available to victims of both Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma in Presidentially-declared disaster areas. Click here for a summary of these announcements.… Continue Reading
CFPB gets preliminary injunction in mortgage relief assistance case
On November 16, a federal district judge in California entered a preliminary injunction in favor of the CFPB in the action it filed this past July against a law firm that offered mortgage assistance relief services to consumers. In its complaint, the CFPB alleged that the law firm and various individuals and companies duped consumers by falsely promising loan modifications in exchange for advance fees and, in reality, did little or nothing to help consumers. … Continue Reading