Our special guest is Zarik Khan, Founder and Managing Director of Finsolute Advisors.  Congress is now considering whether to enact the CCCA, a bill that would require credit card issuers with assets over $100 billion to include at least two possible network processors on each card.  We first look at the roles of the various parties involved in a typical transaction in which a consumer makes a purchase from a merchant using a credit card. … Continue Reading

The Fed’s final rule implementing the Durbin Amendment (Regulation II) went into effect in October 2011.  Nearly ten years later, the final rule is still provoking controversy in the form of a new lawsuit and proposed amendments to the rule and its official commentary.

The Durbin Amendment (Section 1075 of Dodd-Frank) authorized the Fed to issue regulations to ensure that the amount of any interchange fee received by a large debit card issuer (one with at least $10 billion of assets, together with its affiliates) is reasonable and proportional to the cost incurred by the issuer. Continue Reading