While much attention has been paid to the “new CFPB’s” plans to make fair lending a top priority, the fair lending practices of financial institutions supervised by the federal banking agencies are also likely to face greater scrutiny under the Biden Administration.

In its Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights, the FDIC describes several matters involving fair lending that were identified during consumer compliance examinations conducted in 2020 and referred to the DOJ because the FDIC concluded that it had reason to believe that the creditor had engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination. … Continue Reading

Last week, the FDIC published its Consumer Compliance Supervisory Highlights that provides observations about its consumer compliance supervision activities in 2018. Importantly, the highlights include anonymized 2018 exam findings regarding violations of consumer protection laws and other information to help financial institutions stay abreast of issues and trends identified during exams and assist them in mitigating potential risks.… Continue Reading

An FDIC order assessing a $200,000 civil money penalty for a bank’s alleged TCPA violations is a stark reminder that FDIC examiners are looking at TCPA compliance.

The order states that the FDIC determined that the bank violated the TCPA and its implementing regulations by continuously calling consumers at numbers listed on the National Do Not Call Registry or by calling consumers who had asked to be placed on the bank’s internal do not call list. … Continue Reading

Last week, Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, and Representative Scott Tipton sent a letter to Jelena McWilliams, Chair of the FDIC, that identified concerns with the FDIC’s interpretations and regulations surrounding brokered deposits and requested the FDIC to revisit its June 2016 Frequently Asked Questions on Identifying, Accepting and Reporting Brokered Deposits “in light of the rapid technological changes in the banking and payments industry.”… Continue Reading

Effective July 18, 2017, the FDIC has adopted amendments to its Guidelines for Appeals of Material Supervisory Determinations.  The FDIC proposed the amendments last August and received only two comment letters, one from a trade association and the other from a financial holding company.

The amendments are intended to provide institutions with broader avenues of redress with respect to material supervisory determinations and enhance consistency with the appeals process of other federal banking agencies. … Continue Reading