The CFPB announced last week that it has entered into a consent order with Commonwealth Financial Systems, Inc. (Commonwealth), a third-party debt collection company that collects past-due medical debts and furnishes information about consumers to consumer reporting agencies (CRAs), to resolve Commonwealth’s alleged violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). … Continue Reading

In a win for Ballard Spahr client Specialized Loan Servicing LLC (SLS), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently held that SLS, a mortgage servicer, properly reported a Covid-19 forbearance plan under the CARES Act amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  The amendments require furnishers to “report [a consumer’s] credit obligation or account as current” if the furnisher agreed to provide forbearance or other relief on a consumer’s loan.… Continue Reading

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently ruled that a plaintiff who alleged that Experian had violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act by including  a discharged student loan debt on his credit report had not alleged an inaccuracy for purposes of the FCRA requirement that consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) follow reasonable procedures to assure the accuracy of information included in consumer reports. … Continue Reading

CFPB Deputy Director Zixta Martinez recently provided the opening remarks at the CFPB’s Academic Research Council meeting.  In her remarks, Martinez emphasized the CFPB’s role as a data-driven agency and welcomed further discussion of state payday extended payment plans and of the inclusion of medical debt in credit reports—two topics that have garnered renewed public interest due to the COVID-19 pandemic.… Continue Reading

The CFPB’s new annual report of credit and consumer reporting complaints, required by Section 611(e) of the FCRA, criticizes the three largest nationwide consumer reporting agencies (NCRAs) for allegedly failing to meet their FCRA obligations to it and for engaging in practices that have led to a significant increase in the volume of consumer complaints it received about the NCRAs.… Continue Reading

The CFPB has issued an advisory opinion that affirms that the use of “name-only matching” by consumer reporting agencies, including tenant and employment screening companies, does not satisfy the FCRA requirement for a CRA ”to follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the [consumer] report relates.”  … Continue Reading

The CFPB has issued a report titled “Payment Amount Furnishing & Consumer Reporting” that highlights changes since 2012 in the furnishing of actual payment data to consumer reporting agencies.

The report indicates that:

  • Since 2012, the share of auto, student loan, and mortgage tradelines with actual payment data has generally trended upward. 
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Topics discussed include: CFPB plans to conduct a new study on credit reporting accuracy; FTC efforts to address unlawful practices by credit repair companies and abuse of identity theft reports; FTC focus on FCRA Red Flags Rule enforcement and how companies can avoid FTC scrutiny; considerations for companies in approaching CARES Act compliance through suppression or reporting accounts in accommodation; and assessment of rationales for creating a public credit bureau.… Continue Reading

The CFPB has released the Summer 2020 edition of its Supervisory Highlights.  The report discusses the Bureau’s examinations in the areas of consumer reporting, debt collection, deposits, fair lending, mortgage servicing, and payday lending that were completed between September 2019 and December 2019.

Key findings are described below.

Consumer reporting. … Continue Reading