The CFPB’s final rule amending certain provisions of the 2013 Title XIV final mortgage rules which includes a post-consummation points and fees cure mechanism for qualified mortgage loans, became effective on Monday, November 3, when it was published in the Federal Register. (The only exception is a commentary revision in the final rule dealing with the relationship between the QM cure and the RESPA/Regulation X tolerance cure under the
TILA-RESPA integrated disclosure rule that becomes effective next year.) … Continue Reading
CFPB finalizes amendments to mortgage rules
By Richard J. Andreano, Jr. on
The CFPB has issued a final rule amending certain provisions of the 2013 Title XIV final mortgage rules. While in its press release the CFPB describes the amendments as “minor adjustments to its mortgage rules,” the final rule contains several major changes from the CFPB’s proposal.
QM Points and Fees Cure. … Continue Reading