Rosenthal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act

As part of California’s recent triad of consumer financial services legislation, including AB-1864, which creates the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation and the California Financial Protection Law, and AB-376, which includes a new Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights.  California is also on the cusp of enacting a law requiring licensure of persons who are engaged in the business of collecting, on behalf of themselves or others, debts arising from consumer credit transactions with consumers who reside in California. … Continue Reading

Beginning in 2019, all California “debt collectors”—including creditors collecting their own debts regularly and in the ordinary course of business—will be required to provide notice to debtors when collecting on debts that are past the statute of limitations and will be prohibited from suing on such debts. The new law is based on provisions in the 2013 California Fair Debt Buying Practices Act.… Continue Reading